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Line 1: Line 1:
<!-- [[Template:php_sprera]] -->

Each of the purple diamonds represents PHP code that can be run in nuBuilder Forte and when.

[[File:EventFlow.PNG|300px|Click to view larger]]
eg. You might add this in '''AS''' - After Save of an invoice [[Forms|Browse and Edit Form]].
  $update = "UPDATE stock SET sto_units = sto_units - ? WHERE stock_id = ?"
  nuRunQuery($update, [$units, $stockId]);
* All of the AS BS BB and BE code blocks are for PHP only and are executed on the server-side.
* You can create and call a JavaScript routine ( '''nuJavaScriptCallback($string1)''' )
* All JavaScript to run on the client side should be done in the '''Custom Code''' of the object (most likely for the onclick that you're trying to do).
* Each field or label on the form has a '''Custom Code''' (click the OBJ button to see all the objects on your form) and so does the form itself (click the Prop button).

Line 9: Line 26:

|syntax=<!-- SYNTAX --><span style='color:#690497'>
|syntax=<!-- SYNTAX --><span style='color:#690497'>
$array = db_columns($string1)
$object = db_fetch_array($object1)
</span>|parameters=<!-- PARAMETERS --><pre>
</span>|parameters=<!-- PARAMETERS --><pre>
$string1 : Database table name.
$object1  : nuRunQuery() result.
</pre>|return=<!-- RETURN --><pre>
</pre>|return=<!-- RETURN --><pre>
$array   : Field names.
$object   : Returns an associative array of strings that corresponds to the fetched row, or FALSE if there are no more rows.
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
Returns an array of field names from a database table.
A function for looping through the result of a SELECT query returned from [[PHP#nuRunQuery|nuRunQuery]].|example=<!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#e5ddf1">
|example=<!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#F2EBFF">
$select = "SELECT cus_lastname FROM customer WHERE cus_city = ?";
$a = db_columns('customer');
$stmt = nuRunQuery($select, ['New York']);
</pre>|result=<!-- RESULT --><pre>
while($row = db_fetch_array($stmt)){
[0] : Array
    nuDebug($row['cus_lastname']. ' lives in New York.');
    [0] => customer_id
    [1] => cus_name
</pre>|result=<!-- RESULT --><pre style="background-color:#fff4b68f">
    [2] => cus_phone
[0]: Robert Paulson lives in New York.
    [3] => cus_address
</pre>|alsosee=<!-- SEE ALSO -->
</pre>|alsosee=<!-- SEE ALSO -->
[[PHP#db_fetch_array|db_fetch_array]], [[PHP#db_fetch_object|db_fetch_object]], [[PHP#db_fetch_row|db_fetch_row]], [[PHP#db_num_rows|db_num_rows]]
[[PHP#db_field_names|db_field_names]], [[PHP#db_fetch_row|db_fetch_row]], [[PHP#db_fetch_object|db_fetch_object]], [[PHP#db_num_rows|db_num_rows]], [[PHP#db_fetch_value|db_fetch_value]], [[PHP#nurunquery|nuRunQuery]], [ PDOStatement]

Line 46: Line 61:
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
A function for looping through the result of a SELECT query returned from [[PHP#nuRunQuery|nuRunQuery]].
A function for looping through the result of a SELECT query returned from [[PHP#nuRunQuery|nuRunQuery]].
|example=<!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#F2EBFF">
|example=<!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#e5ddf1">
$select = "SELECT emp_fullname FROM member WHERE nickname = ?";
$s = "SELECT * FROM customer";
$stmt = nuRunQuery($select, ['Bob']);
$t = nuRunQuery($s);
while($r = db_fetch_object($t)){
    nuDebug('His name is : ' . $r->cus_name);

while($row = db_fetch_object($stmt)){
    nuDebug('His name is ' . $row->emp_fullname);
</pre>|result=<!-- RESULT --><pre>
</pre>|result=<!-- RESULT --><pre style="background-color:#fff4b68f">
[0]: His name is : Robert Paulson
[0]: His name is Robert Paulson
</pre>|alsosee=<!-- SEE ALSO -->
</pre>|alsosee=<!-- SEE ALSO -->
[[PHP#db_columns|db_columns]], [[PHP#db_fetch_array|db_fetch_array]], [[PHP#db_fetch_row|db_fetch_row]], [[PHP#db_num_rows|db_num_rows]], [[PHP#nurunquery|nuRunQuery]]
[[PHP#db_field_names|db_field_names]], [[PHP#db_fetch_array|db_fetch_array]], [[PHP#db_fetch_row|db_fetch_row]], [[PHP#db_fetch_value|db_fetch_value]], [[PHP#db_num_rows|db_num_rows]], [[PHP#nurunquery|nuRunQuery]]

Line 74: Line 86:
$object1  : nuRunQuery() result.
$object1  : nuRunQuery() result.
</pre>|return=<!-- RETURN --><pre>
</pre>|return=<!-- RETURN --><pre>
$object  : PDO object.  
$object  : Returns an numerical array of strings that corresponds to the fetched row, or FALSE if there are no more rows.
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
A function for looping through the result of a SELECT query returned from [[PHP#nuRunQuery|nuRunQuery]].|example=<!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#F2EBFF">
A function for looping through the result of a SELECT query returned from [[PHP#nuRunQuery|nuRunQuery]].|example=<!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#e5ddf1">
$select = "SELECT emp_fullname FROM member WHERE nickname = ?";
$s = "SELECT * FROM customer";
$stmt = nuRunQuery($select, ['Bob']);
$t = nuRunQuery($s);
while($r = db_fetch_row($t)){
    nuDebug('His name is : ' . $r[4]);

while($row = db_fetch_row($stmt)){
    nuDebug('His name is ' . $row[0]);
</pre>|result=<!-- RESULT --><pre style="background-color:#fff4b68f">
</pre>|result=<!-- RESULT --><pre>
[0]: His name is Robert Paulson
[0]: His name is : Robert Paulson
</pre>|alsosee=<!-- SEE ALSO -->
</pre>|alsosee=<!-- SEE ALSO -->
[[PHP#db_columns|db_columns]], [[PHP#db_fetch_array|db_fetch_array]], [[PHP#db_fetch_object|db_fetch_object]], [[PHP#db_num_rows|db_num_rows]], [[PHP#nurunquery|nuRunQuery]]
[[PHP#db_field_names|db_field_names]], [[PHP#db_fetch_array|db_fetch_array]], [[PHP#db_fetch_object|db_fetch_object]], [[PHP#db_fetch_value|db_fetch_value]], [[PHP#db_num_rows|db_num_rows]], [[PHP#nurunquery|nuRunQuery]]



Line 101: Line 109:

|syntax=<!-- SYNTAX --><span style='color:#690497'>
|syntax=<!-- SYNTAX --><span style='color:#690497'>
$object = db_fetch_array($object1)
$string = db_fetch_value($string1 ,$string2 ,$string3 ,$string4)
</span>|parameters=<!-- PARAMETERS --><pre>
</span>|parameters=<!-- PARAMETERS --><pre>
$object1 : nuRunQuery() result.
$string1 : table name
$string2  : primary key
$string3  : record id
$string4  : field name
</pre>|return=<!-- RETURN --><pre>
</pre>|return=<!-- RETURN --><pre>
$object  : PDO object.  
$string  : a value from a table.
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
A function for looping through the result of a SELECT query returned from [[PHP#nuRunQuery|nuRunQuery]].|example=<!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#F2EBFF">
Returns one value from a certain record's field value in a certain table.
<div style='background-color:#D8E4FF;padding:10px'>
If the function returns '''more or less''' than one row, it will return false.</div>
|example=<!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#e5ddf1">
$v = db_fetch_value('customer', 'customer_id', '64555c358ef332c', 'cus_name');
</pre>|result=<!-- RESULT --><pre style="background-color:#fff4b68f">
[0]: Tyler Durden
</pre>|alsosee=<!-- SEE ALSO -->
[[PHP#db_field_names|db_field_names]], [[PHP#db_fetch_array|db_fetch_array]], [[PHP#db_fetch_object|db_fetch_object]], [[PHP#db_fetch_row|db_fetch_row]], [[PHP#nurunquery|nuRunQuery]], [[PHP#db_num_columns|db_num_columns]]

$s = "SELECT * FROM customer";
$t = nuRunQuery($s);

while($r = db_fetch_array($t)){

    nuDebug('His name is : ' . $r['cus_name']);


</pre>|result=<!-- RESULT --><pre>
|syntax=<!-- SYNTAX --><span style='color:#690497'>
[0]: His name is : Robert Paulson
$array = db_field_names($string1)
</span>|parameters=<!-- PARAMETERS --><pre>
$string1 : Database table name.
</pre>|return=<!-- RETURN --><pre>
$array  : Field names.
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
Returns an array of field names from a database table.
|example=<!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#e5ddf1">
$fields = db_field_names('customer');
</pre>|result=<!-- RESULT --><pre style="background-color:#fff4b68f">
[0]: Array
    [0] => customer_id
    [1] => cus_name
    [2] => cus_phone
    [3] => cus_address
</pre>|alsosee=<!-- SEE ALSO -->
</pre>|alsosee=<!-- SEE ALSO -->
[[PHP#db_columns|db_columns]], [[PHP#db_fetch_row|db_fetch_row]], [[PHP#db_fetch_object|db_fetch_object]], [[PHP#db_num_rows|db_num_rows]], [[PHP#nurunquery|nuRunQuery]]
[[PHP#db_fetch_array|db_fetch_array]], [[PHP#db_fetch_object|db_fetch_object]], [[PHP#db_fetch_row|db_fetch_row]], [[PHP#db_fetch_value|db_fetch_value]], [[PHP#db_num_rows|db_num_rows]]



Line 132: Line 168:

|syntax=<!-- SYNTAX --><span style='color:#690497'>
|syntax=<!-- SYNTAX --><span style='color:#690497'>
$integer = db_num_rows($object1)
$integer = db_num_columns($object1)
</span>|parameters=<!-- PARAMETERS --><pre>
</span>|parameters=<!-- PARAMETERS --><pre>
$object1  : PDO object.  
$object1  : PDO object.  
</pre>|return=<!-- RETURN --><pre>
</pre>|return=<!-- RETURN --><pre>
$integer  : Number of records returned.
$integer  : Number of columns returned.
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
The number of records in the result from  [[PHP#nurunquery|nuRunQuery]].
The number of fields in the result from  [[PHP#nurunquery|nuRunQuery]].
|example=<!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#F2EBFF">
|example=<!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#e5ddf1">
$stmt = nuRunQuery("SELECT * FROM customer");
$s = "SELECT * FROM customer";
$t = nuRunQuery($s);
</pre>|result=<!-- RESULT --><pre style="background-color:#fff4b68f">
[0]: 6
</pre>|result=<!-- RESULT --><pre>
[0]: 3453
</pre>|alsosee=<!-- SEE ALSO -->
</pre>|alsosee=<!-- SEE ALSO -->
[[PHP#db_columns|db_columns]], [[PHP#db_fetch_array|db_fetch_array]], [[PHP#db_fetch_object|db_fetch_object]], [[PHP#db_fetch_row|db_fetch_row]], [[PHP#nurunquery|nuRunQuery]]
[[PHP#db_field_names|db_field_names]], [[PHP#db_fetch_array|db_fetch_array]], [[PHP#db_fetch_object|db_fetch_object]], [[PHP#db_fetch_row|db_fetch_row]], [[PHP#db_fetch_value|db_fetch_value]], [[PHP#nurunquery|nuRunQuery]], [[PHP#db_num_rows|db_num_rows]]



Line 160: Line 192:

|syntax=<!-- SYNTAX --><span style='color:#690497'>
|syntax=<!-- SYNTAX --><span style='color:#690497'>
$integer = db_num_rows($object1)
</span>|parameters=<!-- PARAMETERS --><pre>
</span>|parameters=<!-- PARAMETERS --><pre>
$string1 : Javascript code.
$object1  : PDO object.  
</pre>|return=<!-- RETURN --><pre>
</pre>|return=<!-- RETURN --><pre>
$integer  : Number of records returned.
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
Adds Javascript to a Form before it loads.
The number of records in the result from  [[PHP#nurunquery|nuRunQuery]].
|example=<!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#F2EBFF">
|example=<!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#e5ddf1">
$stmt = nuRunQuery("SELECT * FROM customer");
</pre>|result=<!-- RESULT --><pre style="background-color:#fff4b68f">
[0]: 3453
</pre>|alsosee=<!-- SEE ALSO -->
[[PHP#db_field_names|db_field_names]], [[PHP#db_fetch_array|db_fetch_array]], [[PHP#db_fetch_object|db_fetch_object]], [[PHP#db_fetch_row|db_fetch_row]], [[PHP#db_fetch_value|db_fetch_value]], [[PHP#nurunquery|nuRunQuery]], [[PHP#db_num_columns|db_num_columns]]

$j = "console.log(1234);

== nuAddJavaScript ==

</pre>|result=<!-- RESULT --><pre>
|syntax=<span style='color:#690497'>nuAddJavaScript($js, $beforeCreated = false, $first = false)</span>
$js : JavaScript code to add.
$beforeCreated : (optional) If true, adds JavaScript before form objects are created.
$first : (optional) If true and $beforeCreated is also true, adds JavaScript at the very top before all other JavaScript.
Adds JavaScript code to a form's JavaScript section. By default, JavaScript is added after form objects are created and before it is run.
<pre style="background-color:#e5ddf1">
// Basic usage
$js = "console.log('Hello from nuBuilder!');";

</pre>|alsosee=<!-- SEE ALSO -->
// Example with options
$js = "alert('This is at the top!');";
nuAddJavaScript($js, true, true);
<pre style="background-color:#fff4b68f">
// JavaScript added to the specified section of the form's JavaScript.
[[Procedures#Before_Browse|Before Browse]], [[Procedures#Before_Edit|Before Edit]]
[[Procedures#Before_Browse|Before Browse]], [[Procedures#Before_Edit|Before Edit]]

Line 191: Line 254:
</pre>|return=<!-- RETURN --><pre>
</pre>|return=<!-- RETURN --><pre>
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
This function takes up to 10 parameters and creates a record in the '''Debug''' Form for testing purposes.
This function takes multiple parameters and creates a record that can be viewed by clicking '''nuDebug Results''' in the [[Navigation#Options_Menu|Options]] menu.
|example=<!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#F2EBFF">
Each nuDebug record's first line will explain when or why it was created. There are 3 types...
#Procedure - 2017-11-03 06:52:02 - ''Procedure'' '''ABC''' line 1
#Event - 2017-11-03 06:58:08 - ''Before Edit'' of Form '''nuhome''' line 5
#SQL Error - 2017-11-03 06:58:09 - SQL Error in '''nuRunQuery'''
|example=<!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#e5ddf1">

$s = 'Hello world';
$s = 'Hello world';
Line 199: Line 271:
nuDebug($s, $a, $o);
nuDebug($s, $a, $o);


</pre>|result=<!-- RESULT --><pre>
</pre>|result=<!-- RESULT --><pre style="background-color:#fff4b68f">
[0] : Hello world
[0] : Hello world

Line 237: Line 309:

</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
This adds an error that will stop the current event running and display the error message.
This function adds an error message that will stop the Edit Form from saving or deleting the current record but will then display all generated error messages.
|example=          <!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#F2EBFF">
If any error messages are created in [[Procedures#Before_Save|Before Save]] or [[Procedures#Before_Delete|Before Delete]] the current record will not be saved or deleted.
*No messages - Continue to Save or Delete record.
*One or more messages - No not Save or Delete record.
If any messages are created in [[Procedures#After_Save|After Save]] or [[Procedures#After_Delete|After Delete]] the current record will be saved or deleted and will display this message once saved.
(The green '''Yes''' or red '''No''' elements in the flowchart below.)
[[File:EventFlow.PNG|300px|Click to view larger]]
|example=          <!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#e5ddf1">
nuDisplayError('That did not work!');
nuDisplayError('That did not work!');
</pre>|result=    <!-- RESULT --><pre>
</pre>|result=    <!-- RESULT --><pre style="background-color:#fff4b68f">

</pre>|alsosee=    <!-- SEE ALSO -->
</pre>|alsosee=    <!-- SEE ALSO -->
[[Procedures#Before_Save|Before Save]], [[Procedures#Before_Delete|Before Delete]]
[[Procedures#Before_Save|Before Save]], [[Procedures#Before_Delete|Before Delete]], [[Javascript#nuMessage|nuMessage]], [[PHP#nuGetLastError|nuGetLastError]]
|syntax=<!-- SYNTAX --><span style='color:#690497'>
$object = nuGetLastError()
</span>|parameters=<!-- PARAMETERS --><pre>
</pre>|return=<!-- RETURN --><pre>
$object  :  Last error details.
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
This function can be used to retrieve error details when running a query with nuRunQuery().
When you run a query with nuRunQuery() and the function returns -1, it means the query was not successful.
To retrieve the error details as an object, you can call this function.
|example=<!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#e5ddf1">
$t = nuRunQuery('SELECT * FROM table_that_does_not_exist');
if ($t === -1) {
  $error = nuGetLastError();
</pre>|result=<!-- RESULT --><pre style="background-color:#fff4b68f">
[0] : stdClass Object
    [user] => globeadmin
    [message] => SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'test.table_that_does_not_exist' doesn't exist
    [sql] => SELECT * FROM table_that_does_not_exist
    [trace] => C:\xampp\htdocs\test\core\nucommon.php(1406) : eval()'d code - line 1 (nuRunQuery)
C:\xampp\htdocs\test\core\nucommon.php - line 1406 (eval)
C:\xampp\htdocs\test\core\nuform.php - line 21 (nuEval)
C:\xampp\htdocs\test\core\nuform.php - line 1133 (nuBeforeBrowse)
C:\xampp\htdocs\test\core\nuform.php - line 460 (nuBrowseColumns)
C:\xampp\htdocs\test\core\nuapi.php - line 84 (nuGetFormObject)
</pre>|alsosee=<!-- SEE ALSO -->
[[PHP#nuDisplayError|nuDisplayError]], [[PHP#nuDebug|nuDebug]]


|syntax=<!-- SYNTAX --><span style='color:#690497'>
$array = nuGetURLParams()
</span>|parameters=<!-- PARAMETERS --><pre>
</pre>|return=<!-- RETURN --><pre>
$array  :  An associative array containing the parameters specified when index.php is called.
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
This function returns an array with all of the parameters set via the URL for a session.  The parameter 'p' (password) is not included in the array.
If new parameters are set, or existing ones replaced, within the same session then nuGetURLParams() will return the full list with the latest values for those which are replaced.
|example=<!-- EXAMPLE -->
<pre style="background-color:#e5ddf1">
// These parameters are specified in the URL :  index.php?country=CA&language=EN&project=187
$params = nuGetURLParams();
$country = $params['country'] ?? "not specified";
$language = $params['language'] ?? "not specified";
$project = $params['project'] ?? "not specified";
nuDebug("Country is $country", "Language is $language" , "Project is $project");
</pre>|result=<!-- RESULT --><pre style="background-color:#fff4b68f">
Country is CA; Language is EN; Project is 187
</pre>|alsosee=<!-- SEE ALSO -->
[[Login#Parameter_Passing_in_GET_URL|Login : Parameter Passing in GET_URL]]
|syntax=<!-- SYNTAX --><span style='color:#690497'>
$boolean = nuGlobalAccess()
</span>|parameters=<!-- PARAMETERS --><pre>
</pre>|return=<!-- RETURN --><pre>
$boolean  :  true or false
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
Returns true if a user with global access is logged in, otherwise false
|example=<!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#e5ddf1">
    nuDisplayError('Access denied!');
</pre>|result=<!-- RESULT --><pre style="background-color:#fff4b68f">
</pre>|alsosee=<!-- SEE ALSO -->

Line 254: Line 449:

|syntax=<!-- SYNTAX --><span style='color:#690497'>
|syntax=<!-- SYNTAX --><span style='color:#690497'>
$object = nuSendEmail($to, $from, $fromname, $content, $subject, $filelist, $html = false, $cc = "", $bcc = "", $reply_to_addresses = array())
</span>|parameters=<!-- PARAMETERS --><pre>
</span>|parameters=<!-- PARAMETERS --><pre>
$string1 : message.
$to: (string) The email address of the primary recipient of the email.
$from: (string) Optional. The email address that you want to appear as the sender in the email header. If left empty, the email address from Setup -> Email Settings is used as the sender's email address.
$fromname: (string) Optional. The name that you want to appear as the sender in the email header. If left empty, the email address from Setup -> Email Settings is used as the sender's name.
$content: (string) The body/content of the email message. If the $html parameter is set to true, you can include HTML content.
$subject: (string) The subject line of the email message.
$filelist: (array) Optional. An array of files to attach to the email message. If you do not want to send attachments, you must still supply an empty array here. Otherwise, the array should be in the following format: [$filename => $filesource]. $filename is the name of the file as it will appear in the email attachment, and $filesource is the path to the file on the server.
$html: (bool) Optional. Whether or not to format the email message using HTML. If set to true, you can include HTML content in the $content parameter.
$cc: (string) Optional. A comma separated-list of email addresses to include in the CC (carbon copy) field of the email message.
$bcc: (string) Optional. A comma separated-list of email addresses to include in the BCC (blind carbon copy) field of the email message.
$reply_to_addresses: (array) Optional. An array of email addresses to use as the reply-to address(es) for the email message.
The array should be in the following format: [$to_address=>$to_name] or [$to_address]
</pre>|return=    <!-- RETURN --><pre>
</pre>|return=    <!-- RETURN --><pre>
$object: If an error has occurred the function returns false, as well as the error message.
The function will return true and a confirmation message of "Message sent successfully" will be returned.

</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
This adds a message that will be displayed after the current event completes.
Sends an email using the settings stored in Setup -> Email Settings
|example=          <!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#F2EBFF">
nuDisplayMessage('That did work!');
</pre>|result=    <!-- RESULT --><pre>

|example=          <!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#e5ddf1">
$r = nuSendEmail('','','From','Content','Subject', [], true, '', '')
</pre>|result=    <!-- RESULT --><pre style="background-color:#fff4b68f">
[0] => 1
[1] => Message sent successfully
[2] =>
[3] =>
</pre>|alsosee=    <!-- SEE ALSO -->
</pre>|alsosee=    <!-- SEE ALSO -->


|syntax=<!-- SYNTAX --><span style='color:#690497'>
$array = nuHash()
</span>|parameters=<!-- PARAMETERS --><pre>
</pre>|return=    <!-- RETURN --><pre>
$array  : list of Hash Cookies.
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
Returns a list of [[Hash Cookies]] available to use in PHP.
|example=          <!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#e5ddf1">
</pre>|result=    <!-- RESULT --><pre style="background-color:#fff4b68f">
[0] : Array
    [USER_ID] => globeadmin
    [USER_GROUP_ID] =>
    [HOME_ID] =>
    [GLOBAL_ACCESS] => 1
    [invoice_id] => s14919516899490
    [record_id] => s14919516899490
    [title] => Invoice
    // and more items...

</pre>|alsosee=    <!-- SEE ALSO -->



Line 281: Line 538:
</span>|parameters=<!-- PARAMETERS --><pre>
</span>|parameters=<!-- PARAMETERS --><pre>
</pre>|return=<!-- RETURN --><pre>
</pre>|return=<!-- RETURN --><pre>
$boolean  : yes or no.
$boolean  : true or false
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
Matches #PREVIOUS_RECORD_ID# with #RECORD_ID# and returns true or false.
Matches #PREVIOUS_RECORD_ID# with #RECORD_ID# and returns true or false.

So that the user can tell if a record is being cloned or saved for the first time.
So that the user can tell if a record is being cloned.
|example=<!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#F2EBFF">
|example=<!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#e5ddf1">

</pre>|result=<!-- RESULT --><pre>
</pre>|result=<!-- RESULT --><pre style="background-color:#fff4b68f">
</pre>|alsosee=<!-- SEE ALSO -->
|syntax=<!-- SYNTAX --><span style='color:#690497'>
$boolean = nuHasNoRecordID()
</span>|parameters=<!-- PARAMETERS --><pre>
</pre>|return=<!-- RETURN --><pre>
$boolean  : true or false
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
Returns true if #RECORD_ID# = '-1' so that the user can tell if this is a new reecord.
|example=<!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#e5ddf1">
</pre>|result=<!-- RESULT --><pre style="background-color:#fff4b68f">
</pre>|alsosee=<!-- SEE ALSO -->
|syntax=<!-- SYNTAX --><span style='color:#690497'>
$object = nuGetFormProperties($string1)
</span>|parameters=<!-- PARAMETERS --><pre>
$string1 = Primary Key
</pre>|return=<!-- RETURN --><pre>
$object  : Form record.
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
Returns a Form record as an object.
|example=<!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#e5ddf1">
</pre>|result=<!-- RESULT --><pre style="background-color:#fff4b68f">
[0] : stdClass Object
    [zzzzsys_form_id] => nuuser
    [sfo_type] => browseedit
    [sfo_code] => nuuser
    [sfo_description] => User
    [sfo_table] => zzzzsys_user
    [sfo_primary_key] => zzzzsys_user_id
    [sfo_browse_redirect_form_id] =>
    [sfo_browse_row_height] => 0
    [sfo_browse_rows_per_page] => 15
    [sfo_browse_sql] => SELECT *
FROM zzzzsys_user
LEFT JOIN zzzzsys_access ON zzzzsys_access_id = sus_zzzzsys_access_id
ORDER BY sus_name
    [sfo_javascript] =>
</pre>|alsosee=<!-- SEE ALSO -->
</pre>|alsosee=<!-- SEE ALSO -->

|syntax=<!-- SYNTAX --><span style='color:#690497'>
$myIP = nuGetIPAddress();
</span>|parameters=<!-- PARAMETERS --><pre>
</pre>|return=<!-- RETURN --><pre>
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
Retrieves the IP address of the user's device.
|example=<!-- EXAMPLE -->
See [ Forum Post]
|alsosee=<!-- SEE ALSO -->
|syntax=<!-- SYNTAX --><span style='color:#690497'>
$object = nuGetNuDataValue($nudata, $formId, $field)
</span>|parameters=<!-- PARAMETERS --><pre>
$nudata = array of form fields
$formId = Form's ID
$field = the field in the form
</pre>|return=<!-- RETURN --><pre>
$value  : Form field value.
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
Returns a Form's field value.
|example=<!-- EXAMPLE -->
|alsosee=<!-- SEE ALSO -->
|syntax=<!-- SYNTAX --><span style='color:#690497'>
$bool = nuSetNuDataValue(&$nudata, $formId, $field, $value)
</span>|parameters=<!-- PARAMETERS --><pre>
$nudata = array of form fields
$formId = Form's ID
$field = the field in the form
$value = value to be set in the field of the form
</pre>|return=<!-- RETURN --><pre>
Boolean success or failure of the setting of the form field value
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
Returns the success or failure of the field value set operation
|example=<!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#e5ddf1">
$nuMainForm  = nuHash()['nuFORMdata'][0]->id;
// Get the value of the object "not_title"
$title = nuGetNuDataValue($nudata, $nuMainForm, 'not_title');
// Replace the value of the object "not_title" by adding a -test postfix:
nuSetNuDataValue($nudata, $nuMainForm, 'not_title', $title . "-test");
</pre>|result=<!-- RESULT --><pre style="background-color:#fff4b68f">
|alsosee=<!-- SEE ALSO -->

Line 306: Line 690:
$string  : random string.  
$string  : random string.  
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
Creates a random string.
Creates a string from
|example=<!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#F2EBFF">
*'''1502690897383''' -
*'''1012''' - An incrementing number looping between 1000 and 9999.
|example=<!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#e5ddf1">
</pre>|result=<!-- RESULT --><pre>
</pre>|result=<!-- RESULT --><pre style="background-color:#fff4b68f">
[0] : s14998774217939
[0] : 14998774211012
</pre>|alsosee=<!-- SEE ALSO -->
</pre>|alsosee=<!-- SEE ALSO -->
[[PHP#nuTT|nuTT]], [[Javascript#nuID|nuID]]
[[PHP#nuTT|nuTT]], [[Javascript#nuID|nuID]]
Line 316: Line 702:



|syntax=<!-- SYNTAX --><span style='color:#690497'>
</span>|parameters=<!-- PARAMETERS --><pre>
$string  : JavaScript Code
</pre>|return=<!-- RETURN --><pre>
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
Runs after nuRunPHPHidden() has returned from the server.
|example=<!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#e5ddf1">
$js = " nuMessage('<h1>It worked!</h1>');";
</pre>|result=<!-- RESULT --><pre style="background-color:#fff4b68f">
</pre>|alsosee=<!-- SEE ALSO -->
|syntax=<!-- SYNTAX --><span style='color:#690497'>
$object = nuLookupRecord()
</span>|parameters=<!-- PARAMETERS --><pre>
</pre>|return=<!-- RETURN --><pre>
$object  : every field from the selected (Browse Form's) record.
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
Returns all fields from a selected [[Objects#Lookup|Lookup]] record.
|example=<!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#e5ddf1">
nuDebug(nuLookupRecord()->ID);  //-- the id of the chosen Lookup record.
nuDebug(nuLookupRecord());      //-- all fields from then chosen Lookup's record - as well as ID.
</pre>|result=<!-- RESULT --><pre style="background-color:#fff4b68f">
[0] : 5a67739f464cd96
[1] : stdClass Object
    [company_id] => 58ade54dac2128b
    [com_code] => 777
    [com_name] => 7 Up
    [com_business_id] => 568a00c77f8f709
    [com_company_id] =>
    [com_color_id] => 568ef5a6968322b#nuSep#568ef920846a089
    [com_age] => 3
    [com_notes] =>
    [com_test] =>
</pre>|alsosee=<!-- SEE ALSO -->
[[Procedures#After_Browse|After Browse]], [[PHP#nuSetFormValue|nuSetFormValue]]
|syntax=<!-- SYNTAX --><span style='color:#690497'>
$string = nuProcedure($string1)
</span>|parameters=<!-- PARAMETERS --><pre>
$string1 : Procedure Code
</pre>|return=<!-- RETURN --><pre>
$string  : PHP Code with all Hash Cookies replaced
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
Returns PHP code from a [[Procedures|Procedure]] with all [[Hash_Cookies|Hash Cookies]] replaced, ready to eval().
If the function does not exist, it returns an empty string.
|example=<!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#e5ddf1">
$p = nuProcedure('HW');
if ($p != '') {
</pre>|result=<!-- RESULT --><pre style="background-color:#fff4b68f">
</pre>|alsosee=<!-- SEE ALSO -->
[[Procedures#Before_Browse|Before Browse]],
[[Procedures#After_Browse|After Browse]],
[[Procedures#Before_Edit|Before Edit]],
[[Procedures#Before_Save|Before Save]],
[[Procedures#After_Save|After Save]],
[[Procedures#Before_Delete|Before Delete]],
[[Procedures#After_Delete|After Delete]]


|syntax=<!-- SYNTAX --><span style='color:#690497'>
|syntax=<!-- SYNTAX --><span style='color:#690497'>
$string = nuRemoveNonCharacters($string1)
nuReturnNewRecord($string1 = -1)
</span>|parameters=<!-- PARAMETERS --><pre>
</span>|parameters=<!-- PARAMETERS --><pre>
$string1  : A string with non characters
$string1  : record_id  (if left blank this will return a blank record.)
</pre>|return=<!-- RETURN --><pre>
</pre>|return=<!-- RETURN --><pre>
$string  : A string with just characters
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
Remove tabs, new lines, and carriage returns from a string.
When placed in the [[Procedures#After_Save|After Save]] Event, this sets the Edit Form to the record passed by $string1, ready for editing.
|example=<!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#F2EBFF">
|example=<!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#e5ddf1">
</pre>|result=<!-- RESULT --><pre style="background-color:#fff4b68f">
</pre>|alsosee=<!-- SEE ALSO -->
[[Procedures#After_Save|After Save]]

$s = "SELECT cus_name,
FROM customer


</pre>|result=<!-- RESULT --><pre>
|syntax=<!-- SYNTAX --><span style='color:#690497'>
[0] : SELECT cus_name,cus_phone,cus_addressFROM customer
$boolean = nuRunProcedure($string1)
</span>|parameters=<!-- PARAMETERS --><pre>
$string1 : Procedure Code
</pre>|return=<!-- RETURN --><pre>
$boolean  : Returns true if the procedure exists, otherwise false.
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
Runs a nuBuilder Procedure
|example=<!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#e5ddf1">
</pre>|result=<!-- RESULT --><pre style="background-color:#fff4b68f">
</pre>|alsosee=<!-- SEE ALSO -->
</pre>|alsosee=<!-- SEE ALSO -->
[[Procedures#Before_Browse|Before Browse]],
[[Procedures#After_Browse|After Browse]],
[[Procedures#Before_Edit|Before Edit]],
[[Procedures#Before_Save|Before Save]],
[[Procedures#After_Save|After Save]],
[[Procedures#Before_Delete|Before Delete]],
[[Procedures#After_Delete|After Delete]]


This function is to be used to access the database. If it is passed a SQL statement it will prepare the statement and then execute it. The results of the query can be fetched using the '''db_fetch_''' family of functions below.
If the SQL statement is not defined or no parameters are passed to the function, then an array containing information about the database is returned such as:
* The database host
* The name of the database
* The username for the database.
* The password for the user to access the database.
Array (
  [0] =>
  [1] => site_c
  [2] => root
  [3] => root123
''The statement template can contain zero or more named (:name) or question mark (?) parameter markers for which real values will be substituted when the statement is executed. The variables array must have the values to be used for each (:name) or ? in the query.''

Line 353: Line 876:

|syntax=<!-- SYNTAX --><span style='color:#690497'>
|syntax=<!-- SYNTAX --><span style='color:#690497'>
$object = nuRunQuery($string1);
$object = nuRunQuery([$sql = $string1] [, $variables = array()] [,$isInsert = false]);
</span>|parameters=<!-- PARAMETERS --><pre>
</span>|parameters=<!-- PARAMETERS --><pre>
$string1 : SQL query.
$string1 : The SQL query to run.
$variables : An array of values that will replace ?s.
$isInsert : Set to true for insert queries.
</pre>|return=    <!-- RETURN --><pre>
</pre>|return=    <!-- RETURN --><pre>
$object  : PDO object.
If $isInsert is set to true and the primary key is set to auto-increment, it returns the id of the last inserted entry.
If $isInsert is set to true and no auto-increment primary key is used, it returns 0 if the insert was successful, otherwise -1
(in case of a duplicate entry, invalid syntax etc.)
Else, returns the results of the SQL query as a $object  : PDO object.
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
Runs an SQL query and returns an Object (for SELECT Statements).
Runs an SQL query and returns an Object (for SELECT Statements).
Line 363: Line 892:
This Object can be used by [[PHP#db_fetch_object|db_fetch_object]], [[PHP#db_fetch_array|db_fetch_array]], [[PHP#db_fetch_row|db_fetch_row]], [[PHP#db_num_rows|db_num_rows]]
This Object can be used by [[PHP#db_fetch_object|db_fetch_object]], [[PHP#db_fetch_array|db_fetch_array]], [[PHP#db_fetch_row|db_fetch_row]], [[PHP#db_num_rows|db_num_rows]]

|example=          <!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#F2EBFF">
|example=          <!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#e5ddf1">
// 1. Select statement
$s  = "SELECT cus_address FROM customer WHERE customer_id = ?";
$t  = nuRunQuery($s, array('#LOOKUP_RECORD_ID#'));
if (db_num_rows($t) == 1) {
    $r  = db_fetch_object($t);
    nuSetFormValue('inv_address', $r->cus_address);
// 2. Insert statement
$insertSql = "
    INSERT INTO `message`
      (`subject`, `body`, `date_sent`)
      (:subject, :body, :date_sent)

$s  = "SELECT * FROM customer WHERE customer_id = '#LOOKUP_RECORD_ID#'

$= nuRunQuery($s);
$data = array(
$r  = db_fetch_object($t);
    "subject" => 'nuBuilder!',
    "body" => 'Testing insert statement',
    "date_sent" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")

nuSetFormValue('inv_address', $r->cus_address);
$r = nuRunQuery($insertSql, $data, true);
if ($r == 0) {
  nuDebug('Insert sucessful!');

</pre>|result=    <!-- RESULT --><pre>
</pre>|result=    <!-- RESULT --><pre style="background-color:#fff4b68f">

</pre>|alsosee=    <!-- SEE ALSO -->
</pre>|alsosee=    <!-- SEE ALSO -->
Line 395: Line 944:

</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
This function is only used in '''After Browse'''.
Updates an Object on an Edit Form [[Procedures#After_Browse|After Browse]] after a Lookup value is chosen.
|example=          <!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#e5ddf1">
Updates an Object on an Edit Form '''After Browse''' after a Lookup value is chosen.
|example=          <!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#F2EBFF">

$= "SELECT * FROM customer WHERE customer_id = '#LOOKUP_RECORD_ID#'
$lu = nuLookupRecord();

$t  = nuRunQuery($s);
nuSetFormValue('inv_address1', $lu->cus_address1);
$r  = db_fetch_object($t);
nuSetFormValue('inv_address2', $lu->cus_address2);
nuSetFormValue('inv_address3', $lu->cus_address3);

nuSetFormValue('inv_address', $r->cus_address);
</pre>|result=    <!-- RESULT --><pre style="background-color:#fff4b68f">
</pre>|result=    <!-- RESULT --><pre>

</pre>|alsosee=    <!-- SEE ALSO -->
</pre>|alsosee=    <!-- SEE ALSO -->
[[Procedures#After_Browse|After Browse]], [[PHP#nuLookupRecord|nuLookupRecord]]

Line 423: Line 967:
$object = nuSubformObject($string1)
$object = nuSubformObject($string1)
</span>|parameters=<!-- PARAMETERS --><pre>
</span>|parameters=<!-- PARAMETERS --><pre>
$string1  : subform id.
$string1  : Subform id **Passing an empty string will return the main Edit Form as a Subform object.
</pre>|return=<!-- RETURN --><pre>
</pre>|return=<!-- RETURN --><pre>
$object  : subform properties
$object  : subform properties
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
Returns a PHP object that can be looped through.
Returns a PHP object that can be looped through.  
|example=<!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#F2EBFF">
All Subform values in this object will have any [[Format_Builder|formatting]] removed. eg '''$ 1,234.50''' will be '''1234.5'''
|example=<!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#e5ddf1">
</pre>|result=<!-- RESULT --><pre>
</pre>|result=<!-- RESULT --><pre style="background-color:#fff4b68f">
[0] : stdClass Object
[0] : stdClass Object
Line 528: Line 1,074:
</pre>|alsosee=<!-- SEE ALSO -->
</pre>|alsosee=<!-- SEE ALSO -->
|syntax=<!-- SYNTAX -->
<span style='color:#690497'>
$boolean = nuStringContains($needle, $haystack, $ignoreCase)
|parameters=<!-- PARAMETERS -->
$needle  : The string to search for.
$haystack  : The string to search within.
$ignoreCase (optional): A boolean value indicating whether the search should be case-sensitive or not. The default value is false, which means the search is case-sensitive.
|return=    <!-- RETURN --><pre>
|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
A function that searches for a string within another string and returns a boolean indicating whether the search string was found or not.
|example=<!-- EXAMPLE -->
<pre style="background-color:#e5ddf1">
$there = nuStringContains($needle, $haystack);
|result=<!-- RESULT --><pre style="background-color:#fff4b68f">
</pre>|alsosee=<!-- SEE ALSO -->
[[PHP#nuStringStartsWith|nuStringStartsWith]], [[PHP#nuStringEndsWith|nuStringEndsWith]], [[PHP#nuStringLeft|nuStringLeft]], [[PHP#nuStringRight|nuStringRight]]
|syntax=<!-- SYNTAX -->
<span style='color:#690497'>
$boolean = nuStringEndsWith($needle, $haystack, $ignoreCase)
|parameters=<!-- PARAMETERS -->
$needle  : The string to look for at the end of $haystack.
$haystack  : The string to look in for $needle
$ignoreCase (optional): A boolean value indicating whether the search should be case-sensitive or not. The default value is false, which means the search is case-sensitive.
|return=    <!-- RETURN --><pre>
|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
A function that looks for one string at the end of another and returns true or false.
|example=<!-- EXAMPLE -->
<pre style="background-color:#e5ddf1">
$there = nuStringEndsWith($needle, $haystack);
|result=<!-- RESULT --><pre style="background-color:#fff4b68f">
|alsosee=<!-- SEE ALSO -->
[[PHP#nuStringContains|nuStringContains]], [[PHP#nuStringStartsWith|nuStringStartsWith]], [[PHP#nuStringLeft|nuStringLeft]], [[PHP#nuStringRight|nuStringRight]]
|syntax=<!-- SYNTAX -->
<span style='color:#690497'>
$boolean = nuStringLeft($string1, $number1)
|parameters=<!-- PARAMETERS -->
$string1  : The string to return the left of.
$number1  : An integer that specifies the number of characters to return.
|return=    <!-- RETURN --><pre>
|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
This function returns a specified number of characters from the left side of a string.
|example=<!-- EXAMPLE -->
<pre style="background-color:#e5ddf1">
$left = nuStringLeft($needle, $haystack);
|result=<!-- RESULT --><pre style="background-color:#fff4b68f">
|alsosee=<!-- SEE ALSO -->
[[PHP#nuStringContains|nuStringContains]], [[PHP#nuStringStartsWith|nuStringStartsWith]], [[PHP#nuStringEndsWith|nuStringEndsWith]], [[PHP#nuStringRight|nuStringRight]]
|syntax=<!-- SYNTAX -->
<span style='color:#690497'>
$boolean = nuStringRight($string1, $number1)
|parameters=<!-- PARAMETERS -->
$string1  : The string to return the right of.
$number1  : An integer that specifies the number of characters to return.
|return=    <!-- RETURN --><pre>
|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
A function that returns a specified number of characters from the right side of a string
|example=<!-- EXAMPLE -->
<pre style="background-color:#e5ddf1">
$right = nuStringRight($needle, $haystack);
|result=<!-- RESULT --><pre style="background-color:#fff4b68f">
|alsosee=<!-- SEE ALSO -->
[[PHP#nuStringContains|nuStringContains]], [[PHP#nuStringStartsWith|nuStringStartsWith]], [[PHP#nuStringEndsWith|nuStringEndsWith]], [[PHP#nuStringLeft|nuStringLeft]]
|syntax=<!-- SYNTAX -->
<span style='color:#690497'>
$boolean = nuStringStartsWith($needle, $haystack, $ignoreCase)
|parameters=<!-- PARAMETERS -->
$needle  : The string to look for at the beginning of $haystack.
$haystack  : The string to look in for $needle
$ignoreCase (optional): A boolean value indicating whether the search should be case-sensitive or not. The default value is false, which means the search is case-sensitive.
|return=    <!-- RETURN --><pre>
|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
A function that looks for one string at the beginning of another and returns true or false.
|example=<!-- EXAMPLE -->
<pre style="background-color:#e5ddf1">
$there = nuStringStartsWith($needle, $haystack);
|result=<!-- RESULT --><pre style="background-color:#fff4b68f">
|alsosee=<!-- SEE ALSO -->
[[PHP#nuStringContains|nuStringContains]], [[PHP#nuStringEndsWith|nuStringEndsWith]], [[PHP#nuStringLeft|nuStringLeft]], [[PHP#nuStringRight|nuStringRight]]

Line 542: Line 1,249:

</pre>|return=    <!-- RETURN --><pre>
</pre>|return=    <!-- RETURN --><pre>
$string  : name for temp table.
$string  : A unique string that can be used as a temporary table name
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
Creates a unique ID starting with '''__nu'''.

|example=          <!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#F2EBFF">
This is a function that generates a unique temporary table name starting with '''__nu''' in the form of a string.
|example=          <!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#e5ddf1">
$tmp = nuTT();
$tmp = nuTT();

$s  = "CREATE TABLE $t SELECT * FROM customer";
$s  = "CREATE TABLE $tmp SELECT * FROM customer";

</pre>|result=    <!-- RESULT --><pre>
</pre>|result=    <!-- RESULT --><pre style="background-color:#fff4b68f">

</pre>|alsosee=    <!-- SEE ALSO -->
</pre>|alsosee=    <!-- SEE ALSO -->
|syntax=<!-- SYNTAX --><span style='color:#690497'>
$object = nuUser()
</span>|parameters=<!-- PARAMETERS --><pre>
</pre>|return=    <!-- RETURN --><pre>
$object  : object containing User details
</pre>|description=<!-- DESCRIPTION -->
Returns all the information from the zzzzsys_user table for the current, logged in User.
|example=          <!-- EXAMPLE --><pre style="background-color:#e5ddf1">
</pre>|result=    <!-- RESULT --><pre style="background-color:#fff4b68f">
[0] : stdClass Object
    [zzzzsys_user_id] => 5a62ebae2a6994b
    [sus_zzzzsys_access_id] => 5a62eb4e09ffd46
    [sus_language] =>
    [sus_name] => Robert
    [sus_email] =>
    [sus_login_name] => bob
    [sus_login_password] => c81e728d9d4c2f636f067f89cc14862c
</pre>|alsosee=    <!-- SEE ALSO -->

Latest revision as of 18:19, 14 June 2024

Each of the purple diamonds represents PHP code that can be run in nuBuilder Forte and when.

Click to view larger

eg. You might add this in AS - After Save of an invoice Browse and Edit Form.

  $update = "UPDATE stock SET sto_units = sto_units - ? WHERE stock_id = ?"
  nuRunQuery($update, [$units, $stockId]);
  • All of the AS BS BB and BE code blocks are for PHP only and are executed on the server-side.
  • You can create and call a JavaScript routine ( nuJavaScriptCallback($string1) )
  • All JavaScript to run on the client side should be done in the Custom Code of the object (most likely for the onclick that you're trying to do).
  • Each field or label on the form has a Custom Code (click the OBJ button to see all the objects on your form) and so does the form itself (click the Prop button).


$object = db_fetch_array($object1)


$object1  : nuRunQuery() result.

Return Value

$object   : Returns an associative array of strings that corresponds to the fetched row, or FALSE if there are no more rows.


A function for looping through the result of a SELECT query returned from nuRunQuery.


$select = "SELECT cus_lastname FROM customer WHERE cus_city = ?";
$stmt = nuRunQuery($select, ['New York']);

while($row = db_fetch_array($stmt)){
    nuDebug($row['cus_lastname']. ' lives in New York.');


[0]: Robert Paulson lives in New York.

Also See : db_field_names, db_fetch_row, db_fetch_object, db_num_rows, db_fetch_value, nuRunQuery, PDOStatement


$object = db_fetch_object($object1)


$object1 : nuRunQuery() result.

Return Value

$object  : PDO object


A function for looping through the result of a SELECT query returned from nuRunQuery.


$select = "SELECT emp_fullname FROM member WHERE nickname = ?";
$stmt = nuRunQuery($select, ['Bob']);

while($row = db_fetch_object($stmt)){
    nuDebug('His name is ' . $row->emp_fullname);


[0]: His name is Robert Paulson

Also See : db_field_names, db_fetch_array, db_fetch_row, db_fetch_value, db_num_rows, nuRunQuery


$object = db_fetch_row($object1)


$object1  : nuRunQuery() result.

Return Value

$object   : Returns an numerical array of strings that corresponds to the fetched row, or FALSE if there are no more rows.


A function for looping through the result of a SELECT query returned from nuRunQuery.


$select = "SELECT emp_fullname FROM member WHERE nickname = ?";
$stmt = nuRunQuery($select, ['Bob']);

while($row = db_fetch_row($stmt)){
    nuDebug('His name is ' . $row[0]);


[0]: His name is Robert Paulson

Also See : db_field_names, db_fetch_array, db_fetch_object, db_fetch_value, db_num_rows, nuRunQuery


$string = db_fetch_value($string1 ,$string2 ,$string3 ,$string4)


$string1  : table name
$string2  : primary key
$string3  : record id
$string4  : field name

Return Value

$string  : a value from a table.


Returns one value from a certain record's field value in a certain table.

If the function returns more or less than one row, it will return false.


	$v = db_fetch_value('customer', 'customer_id', '64555c358ef332c', 'cus_name');


[0]: Tyler Durden

Also See : db_field_names, db_fetch_array, db_fetch_object, db_fetch_row, nuRunQuery, db_num_columns


$array = db_field_names($string1)


$string1 : Database table name.

Return Value

$array   : Field names.


Returns an array of field names from a database table.


$fields = db_field_names('customer');


[0]: Array
    [0] => customer_id
    [1] => cus_name
    [2] => cus_phone
    [3] => cus_address

Also See : db_fetch_array, db_fetch_object, db_fetch_row, db_fetch_value, db_num_rows


$integer = db_num_columns($object1)


$object1  : PDO object. 

Return Value

$integer  : Number of columns returned.


The number of fields in the result from nuRunQuery.


	$stmt = nuRunQuery("SELECT * FROM customer");	


[0]: 6

Also See : db_field_names, db_fetch_array, db_fetch_object, db_fetch_row, db_fetch_value, nuRunQuery, db_num_rows


$integer = db_num_rows($object1)


$object1  : PDO object. 

Return Value

$integer  : Number of records returned.


The number of records in the result from nuRunQuery.


	$stmt = nuRunQuery("SELECT * FROM customer");	


[0]: 3453

Also See : db_field_names, db_fetch_array, db_fetch_object, db_fetch_row, db_fetch_value, nuRunQuery, db_num_columns


nuAddJavaScript($js, $beforeCreated = false, $first = false)


$js : JavaScript code to add.
$beforeCreated : (optional) If true, adds JavaScript before form objects are created.
$first : (optional) If true and $beforeCreated is also true, adds JavaScript at the very top before all other JavaScript.

Return Value


Adds JavaScript code to a form's JavaScript section. By default, JavaScript is added after form objects are created and before it is run.


// Basic usage
$js = "console.log('Hello from nuBuilder!');";

// Example with options
$js = "alert('This is at the top!');";
nuAddJavaScript($js, true, true);


// JavaScript added to the specified section of the form's JavaScript.

Also See : Before Browse, Before Edit


nuDebug($anytype1, $anytype2..)


$anytypes : string, object or array.

Return Value


This function takes multiple parameters and creates a record that can be viewed by clicking nuDebug Results in the Options menu.

Each nuDebug record's first line will explain when or why it was created. There are 3 types...

  1. Procedure - 2017-11-03 06:52:02 - Procedure ABC line 1
  2. Event - 2017-11-03 06:58:08 - Before Edit of Form nuhome line 5
  3. SQL Error - 2017-11-03 06:58:09 - SQL Error in nuRunQuery


$s = 'Hello world';
$a = [1,2,3,4];
$o = ['name' => 'Bob', 'phone' => '555 123456'];
nuDebug($s, $a, $o);



[0] : Hello world

[1] : Array
    [0] => 1
    [1] => 2
    [2] => 3
    [3] => 4

[2] : Array
    [name] => Bob
    [phone] => 555 123456

Also See : Before Browse, Before Edit, Before Save,After Save, Before Delete, After Delete




$string1 : error message.

Return Value


This function adds an error message that will stop the Edit Form from saving or deleting the current record but will then display all generated error messages.

If any error messages are created in Before Save or Before Delete the current record will not be saved or deleted. eg.

  • No messages - Continue to Save or Delete record.
  • One or more messages - No not Save or Delete record.

If any messages are created in After Save or After Delete the current record will be saved or deleted and will display this message once saved.

(The green Yes or red No elements in the flowchart below.)

Click to view larger


nuDisplayError('That did not work!');


Also See : Before Save, Before Delete, nuMessage, nuGetLastError


$object = nuGetLastError()


Return Value

$object  :  Last error details.


This function can be used to retrieve error details when running a query with nuRunQuery().

When you run a query with nuRunQuery() and the function returns -1, it means the query was not successful.

To retrieve the error details as an object, you can call this function.


$t = nuRunQuery('SELECT * FROM table_that_does_not_exist');

if ($t === -1) {
  $error = nuGetLastError();
[0] : stdClass Object
    [user] => globeadmin
    [message] => SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'test.table_that_does_not_exist' doesn't exist
    [sql] => SELECT * FROM table_that_does_not_exist
    [trace] => C:\xampp\htdocs\test\core\nucommon.php(1406) : eval()'d code - line 1 (nuRunQuery)

C:\xampp\htdocs\test\core\nucommon.php - line 1406 (eval)

C:\xampp\htdocs\test\core\nuform.php - line 21 (nuEval)

C:\xampp\htdocs\test\core\nuform.php - line 1133 (nuBeforeBrowse)

C:\xampp\htdocs\test\core\nuform.php - line 460 (nuBrowseColumns)

C:\xampp\htdocs\test\core\nuapi.php - line 84 (nuGetFormObject)


Also See : nuDisplayError, nuDebug


$array = nuGetURLParams()


Return Value

$array  :  An associative array containing the parameters specified when index.php is called.


This function returns an array with all of the parameters set via the URL for a session. The parameter 'p' (password) is not included in the array. If new parameters are set, or existing ones replaced, within the same session then nuGetURLParams() will return the full list with the latest values for those which are replaced.


// These parameters are specified in the URL :  index.php?country=CA&language=EN&project=187
$params = nuGetURLParams();

$country = $params['country'] ?? "not specified";
$language = $params['language'] ?? "not specified";
$project = $params['project'] ?? "not specified";

nuDebug("Country is $country", "Language is $language" , "Project is $project");
Country is CA; Language is EN; Project is 187

Also See : Login : Parameter Passing in GET_URL


$boolean = nuGlobalAccess()


Return Value

$boolean  :  true or false


Returns true if a user with global access is logged in, otherwise false


    nuDisplayError('Access denied!');

Also See :


$object = nuSendEmail($to, $from, $fromname, $content, $subject, $filelist, $html = false, $cc = "", $bcc = "", $reply_to_addresses = array())


$to: (string) The email address of the primary recipient of the email.

$from: (string) Optional. The email address that you want to appear as the sender in the email header. If left empty, the email address from Setup -> Email Settings is used as the sender's email address.

$fromname: (string) Optional. The name that you want to appear as the sender in the email header. If left empty, the email address from Setup -> Email Settings is used as the sender's name.

$content: (string) The body/content of the email message. If the $html parameter is set to true, you can include HTML content.

$subject: (string) The subject line of the email message.

$filelist: (array) Optional. An array of files to attach to the email message. If you do not want to send attachments, you must still supply an empty array here. Otherwise, the array should be in the following format: [$filename => $filesource]. $filename is the name of the file as it will appear in the email attachment, and $filesource is the path to the file on the server.

$html: (bool) Optional. Whether or not to format the email message using HTML. If set to true, you can include HTML content in the $content parameter.

$cc: (string) Optional. A comma separated-list of email addresses to include in the CC (carbon copy) field of the email message.

$bcc: (string) Optional. A comma separated-list of email addresses to include in the BCC (blind carbon copy) field of the email message. 

$reply_to_addresses: (array) Optional. An array of email addresses to use as the reply-to address(es) for the email message. 
The array should be in the following format: [$to_address=>$to_name] or [$to_address]

Return Value

$object: If an error has occurred the function returns false, as well as the error message.
The function will return true and a confirmation message of "Message sent successfully" will be returned.


Sends an email using the settings stored in Setup -> Email Settings


$r = nuSendEmail('','','From','Content','Subject', [], true, '', '')


[0] => 1
[1] => Message sent successfully
[2] =>
[3] =>

Also See :


$array = nuHash()


Return Value

$array  : list of Hash Cookies.


Returns a list of Hash Cookies available to use in PHP.




[0] : Array
    [USER_ID] => globeadmin
    [USER_GROUP_ID] => 
    [HOME_ID] => 
    [GLOBAL_ACCESS] => 1
    [invoice_id] => s14919516899490
    [record_id] => s14919516899490
    [title] => Invoice
    // and more items...

Also See : nuDebug()


$boolean = nuHasNewRecordID()


Return Value

$boolean  :  true or false


Matches #PREVIOUS_RECORD_ID# with #RECORD_ID# and returns true or false.

So that the user can tell if a record is being cloned.



Also See :


$boolean = nuHasNoRecordID()


Return Value

$boolean  : true or false


Returns true if #RECORD_ID# = '-1' so that the user can tell if this is a new reecord.



Also See :


$object = nuGetFormProperties($string1)


$string1 = Primary Key

Return Value

$object  : Form record.


Returns a Form record as an object.


[0] : stdClass Object
    [zzzzsys_form_id] => nuuser
    [sfo_type] => browseedit
    [sfo_code] => nuuser
    [sfo_description] => User
    [sfo_table] => zzzzsys_user
    [sfo_primary_key] => zzzzsys_user_id
    [sfo_browse_redirect_form_id] => 
    [sfo_browse_row_height] => 0
    [sfo_browse_rows_per_page] => 15
    [sfo_browse_sql] => SELECT * 
FROM zzzzsys_user 
LEFT JOIN zzzzsys_access ON zzzzsys_access_id = sus_zzzzsys_access_id
ORDER BY sus_name
    [sfo_javascript] => 

Also See :


$myIP = nuGetIPAddress();


Return Value


Retrieves the IP address of the user's device.


See Forum Post


Also See :


$object = nuGetNuDataValue($nudata, $formId, $field)


$nudata = array of form fields
$formId = Form's ID
$field = the field in the form

Return Value

$value  : Form field value.


Returns a Form's field value.



Also See :


$bool = nuSetNuDataValue(&$nudata, $formId, $field, $value)


$nudata = array of form fields
$formId = Form's ID
$field = the field in the form
$value = value to be set in the field of the form

Return Value

Boolean success or failure of the setting of the form field value


Returns the success or failure of the field value set operation


$nuMainForm   = nuHash()['nuFORMdata'][0]->id;

// Get the value of the object "not_title"
$title = nuGetNuDataValue($nudata, $nuMainForm, 'not_title');

// Replace the value of the object "not_title" by adding a -test postfix:
nuSetNuDataValue($nudata, $nuMainForm, 'not_title', $title . "-test");

Also See :


$string = nuID()


Return Value

$string  : random string. 


Creates a string from

  • 1502690897383 -
  • 1012 - An incrementing number looping between 1000 and 9999.


[0] : 14998774211012

Also See : nuTT, nuID Before Save,After Save




$string  : JavaScript Code

Return Value


Runs after nuRunPHPHidden() has returned from the server.


$js = " nuMessage('<h1>It worked!</h1>');";

Also See : nuRunPHPHidden()


$object = nuLookupRecord()


Return Value

$object  : every field from the selected (Browse Form's) record.


Returns all fields from a selected Lookup record.


nuDebug(nuLookupRecord()->ID);   //-- the id of the chosen Lookup record.
nuDebug(nuLookupRecord());       //-- all fields from then chosen Lookup's record - as well as ID.


[0] : 5a67739f464cd96

[1] : stdClass Object
    [company_id] => 58ade54dac2128b
    [com_code] => 777
    [com_name] => 7 Up
    [com_business_id] => 568a00c77f8f709
    [com_company_id] => 
    [com_color_id] => 568ef5a6968322b#nuSep#568ef920846a089
    [com_age] => 3
    [com_notes] => 
    [com_test] => 

Also See : After Browse, nuSetFormValue


$string = nuProcedure($string1)


$string1 : Procedure Code

Return Value

$string  : PHP Code with all Hash Cookies replaced


Returns PHP code from a Procedure with all Hash Cookies replaced, ready to eval(). If the function does not exist, it returns an empty string.


$p = nuProcedure('HW');
if ($p != '') {


Also See : Before Browse, After Browse, Before Edit, Before Save, After Save, Before Delete, After Delete


nuReturnNewRecord($string1 = -1)


$string1  : record_id  (if left blank this will return a blank record.)

Return Value


When placed in the After Save Event, this sets the Edit Form to the record passed by $string1, ready for editing.




Also See : After Save


$boolean = nuRunProcedure($string1)


$string1 : Procedure Code

Return Value

$boolean  : Returns true if the procedure exists, otherwise false.


Runs a nuBuilder Procedure




Also See : Before Browse, After Browse, Before Edit, Before Save, After Save, Before Delete, After Delete


This function is to be used to access the database. If it is passed a SQL statement it will prepare the statement and then execute it. The results of the query can be fetched using the db_fetch_ family of functions below.

If the SQL statement is not defined or no parameters are passed to the function, then an array containing information about the database is returned such as:

  • The database host
  • The name of the database
  • The username for the database.
  • The password for the user to access the database.
Array (

  [0] =>
  [1] => site_c
  [2] => root
  [3] => root123


The statement template can contain zero or more named (:name) or question mark (?) parameter markers for which real values will be substituted when the statement is executed. The variables array must have the values to be used for each (:name) or ? in the query.

$object = nuRunQuery([$sql = $string1] [, $variables = array()] [,$isInsert = false]);


$string1 : The SQL query to run.
$variables : An array of values that will replace ?s.
$isInsert : Set to true for insert queries.

Return Value

If $isInsert is set to true and the primary key is set to auto-increment, it returns the id of the last inserted entry. 
If $isInsert is set to true and no auto-increment primary key is used, it returns 0 if the insert was successful, otherwise -1 
(in case of a duplicate entry, invalid syntax etc.)
Else, returns the results of the SQL query as a $object  : PDO object.


Runs an SQL query and returns an Object (for SELECT Statements).

This Object can be used by db_fetch_object, db_fetch_array, db_fetch_row, db_num_rows


// 1. Select statement
$s  = "SELECT cus_address FROM customer WHERE customer_id = ?";
$t  = nuRunQuery($s, array('#LOOKUP_RECORD_ID#'));

if (db_num_rows($t) == 1) {
    $r  = db_fetch_object($t);
    nuSetFormValue('inv_address', $r->cus_address);

// 2. Insert statement
$insertSql = "
    INSERT INTO `message` 
      (`subject`, `body`, `date_sent`)
      (:subject, :body, :date_sent)

$data = array(
    "subject" => 'nuBuilder!',
    "body" => 'Testing insert statement',
    "date_sent" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")

$r = nuRunQuery($insertSql, $data, true);
if ($r == 0) {
   nuDebug('Insert sucessful!');


Also See : db_fetch_object, db_fetch_array, db_fetch_row, db_num_rows


nuSetFormValue($string1, $string2);


$string1 = id of nuBuilder Object on current Edit Form.
$string2 = value used to update $string1's Object.

Return Value


Updates an Object on an Edit Form After Browse after a Lookup value is chosen.


$lu = nuLookupRecord();

nuSetFormValue('inv_address1', $lu->cus_address1);
nuSetFormValue('inv_address2', $lu->cus_address2);
nuSetFormValue('inv_address3', $lu->cus_address3);


Also See : After Browse, nuLookupRecord


$object = nuSubformObject($string1)


$string1  : Subform id  **Passing an empty string will return the main Edit Form as a Subform object.

Return Value

$object   : subform properties


Returns a PHP object that can be looped through.

All Subform values in this object will have any formatting removed. eg $ 1,234.50 will be 1234.5


[0] : stdClass Object
    [id] => invoice_item
    [foreign_key] => ite_invoice_id
    [primary_key] => invoice_item_id
    [object_id] => 58a09180222faae
    [table] => invoice_item
    [action] => save
    [rows] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [0] => s14941671441215
                    [1] => 6
                    [2] => thing1
                    [3] => 3
                    [4] => 18
                    [5] => 0

            [1] => Array
                    [0] => s14998769369058
                    [1] => 4
                    [2] => thing2
                    [3] => 2
                    [4] => 8
                    [5] => 0

            [2] => Array
                    [0] => -1
                    [1] => 
                    [2] => 
                    [3] => 
                    [4] => 
                    [5] => 1


    [edited] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [0] => 0
                    [1] => 0
                    [2] => 0
                    [3] => 0
                    [4] => 0
                    [5] => 0

            [1] => Array
                    [0] => 0
                    [1] => 0
                    [2] => 0
                    [3] => 0
                    [4] => 0
                    [5] => 0

            [2] => Array
                    [0] => 0
                    [1] => 0
                    [2] => 0
                    [3] => 0
                    [4] => 0
                    [5] => 0


    [deleted] => Array
            [0] => 0
            [1] => 0
            [2] => 1

    [fields] => Array
            [0] => ID
            [1] => ite_units
            [2] => ite_thing
            [3] => ite_unit_price
            [4] => ite_total
            [5] => nuDelete


Also See : nuSubformObject


$boolean = nuStringContains($needle, $haystack, $ignoreCase)


$needle  : The string to search for.
$haystack  : The string to search within.
$ignoreCase (optional): A boolean value indicating whether the search should be case-sensitive or not. The default value is false, which means the search is case-sensitive.

Return Value


A function that searches for a string within another string and returns a boolean indicating whether the search string was found or not.


$there = nuStringContains($needle, $haystack);


Also See : nuStringStartsWith, nuStringEndsWith, nuStringLeft, nuStringRight


$boolean = nuStringEndsWith($needle, $haystack, $ignoreCase)


$needle  : The string to look for at the end of $haystack.
$haystack  : The string to look in for $needle
$ignoreCase (optional): A boolean value indicating whether the search should be case-sensitive or not. The default value is false, which means the search is case-sensitive.

Return Value


A function that looks for one string at the end of another and returns true or false.


$there = nuStringEndsWith($needle, $haystack);


Also See : nuStringContains, nuStringStartsWith, nuStringLeft, nuStringRight


$boolean = nuStringLeft($string1, $number1)


$string1  : The string to return the left of.
$number1  : An integer that specifies the number of characters to return.

Return Value


This function returns a specified number of characters from the left side of a string.


$left = nuStringLeft($needle, $haystack);


Also See : nuStringContains, nuStringStartsWith, nuStringEndsWith, nuStringRight


$boolean = nuStringRight($string1, $number1)


$string1  : The string to return the right of.
$number1  : An integer that specifies the number of characters to return.

Return Value


A function that returns a specified number of characters from the right side of a string


$right = nuStringRight($needle, $haystack);


Also See : nuStringContains, nuStringStartsWith, nuStringEndsWith, nuStringLeft


$boolean = nuStringStartsWith($needle, $haystack, $ignoreCase)


$needle  : The string to look for at the beginning of $haystack.
$haystack  : The string to look in for $needle
$ignoreCase (optional): A boolean value indicating whether the search should be case-sensitive or not. The default value is false, which means the search is case-sensitive.

Return Value


A function that looks for one string at the beginning of another and returns true or false.


$there = nuStringStartsWith($needle, $haystack);


Also See : nuStringContains, nuStringEndsWith, nuStringLeft, nuStringRight


$string = nuTT()


Return Value

$string  : A unique string that can be used as a temporary table name


This is a function that generates a unique temporary table name starting with __nu in the form of a string.


$tmp = nuTT();

$s   = "CREATE TABLE $tmp SELECT * FROM customer";



Also See : nuID


$object = nuUser()


Return Value

$object  : object containing User details


Returns all the information from the zzzzsys_user table for the current, logged in User.




[0] : stdClass Object
    [zzzzsys_user_id] => 5a62ebae2a6994b
    [sus_zzzzsys_access_id] => 5a62eb4e09ffd46
    [sus_language] => 
    [sus_name] => Robert
    [sus_email] =>
    [sus_login_name] => bob
    [sus_login_password] => c81e728d9d4c2f636f067f89cc14862c

Also See :