Two Factor Authentication - 2FA

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Activate 2FA

This is done in the nuconfig.php file using these setting parameters (true) whose default values when disabled are:

$nuConfig2FAAdmin             = false;              //-- Use 2FA authentication for administrator
$nuConfig2FAUser              = false;              //-- Use 2FA authentication for users
$nuConfig2FAFormID            = "nuauthentication"; //-- 2FA form ID. Default form ID: nuauthentication
$nuConfig2FATokenValidityTime = 168;                //-- 2FA Token Validity Time in hours. Default: 7 days (7 * 24 hours)
$nuConfig2FAShowRememberMe    = false;              //-- Show a checkbox "Remember me for X days" in the authentication form (not implemented yet)


  • If the 2FA authentication is active, a user is redirected to an authentication form after logging in.
  • On that form, a two-factor authentication token can be requested, which will be sent by email (or SMS).
  • If a valid token is entered, redirection to the actual form will occur.
  • One cannot open any other form until authenticated.
  • No need to authenticate again after a successful login during the "Token Validity Time" (same machine, browser)


Setting up 2FA

  • Navigate to Home -> Builders -> PHP Procedure "nuAuthentication2FA_Template"
  • Clone it. The procedure Code is automatically renamed to nuAuthentication2FA.
  • Adapt the PHP code to your needs and save it.
  • Setup the nuconfig.php variables above as appropriate like:
$nuConfig2FAAdmin = true;
$nuConfig2FAUser = true;