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The following shows various examples of how the JavaScript function nuMessage() can be used and which parameters can be passed.

Message only without title:

To display a single message:


To display a message from an array:


To display multiple lines of messages:

nuMessage(['message line 1', 'message line 2']);

Show a message for 2 seconds (2000 ms):

To display a message with a duration of 2000 milliseconds:

nuMessage('hello', 2000);

Title and Message:

To display a title with a message:

nuMessage('Information', 'Message here...');

To display a title with multiple lines of messages:

nuMessage('Information', ['message line 1', 'message line 2']);

To display a title with multiple lines of messages for 2000 milliseconds:

nuMessage('Information', ['message line 1', 'message line 2'], 2000);

Callback when message is closed:

Define a callback function to execute when the message is closed:

const msgClosedCallback = function() {
    console.log("Timeout reached. Message has been closed.");

To display a title with multiple lines of messages for 2000 milliseconds and execute a callback when the message is closed:

nuMessage('Information', ['message line 1', 'message line 2'], 2000, msgClosedCallback);